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and Tycho had taken possession of it, which he did on the 25th February 1601.[1] Kepler still could learn nothing about his salary, and continued, though in vain, to look out for an appointment in Germany, while Tycho now and then helped him with money. His health also gave him cause for anxiety, as he could not get rid of the intermittent fever, and early in 1601 he was troubled with a bad cough, which even made him fear that he was consumptive. In April he was obliged to go to Gratz to arrange some affairs connected with his wife's property, whence he did not return until August, having failed to accomplish his object, but having recovered his health. A curious letter has been preserved[2] which Kepler's wife wrote to him on the 31st May, in which she tells him that Johann Müller had left again; that Tengnagel had not yet given her any money, but that he and Tycho were friends again, and that his wedding (with Tycho's second daughter, Elisabeth) was to take place a week after Whitsuntide.[3] This cannot have been the first complaint Kepler received from his wife about her getting no money, for he had already on the 30th May written an indignant letter to Tycho, blaming him for not having given her the twenty thaler which had been promised. Tycho did not trouble himself to answer this,

  1. Gassendi, p. 176. The site of Curtius' house on the Loretto Place is now occupied by the Černin Palace. Canon David determined the geographical position, lat. +50° 5′ 28″, 32° 3′ 37″ east of Ferro. In 1804–5 an old tower was pulled down, which probably had been part of Tycho's observatory.
  2. Opera, iii. pp. 739–741.
  3. "Der hanss Miller ist den 29 Mai mit seiner frau darvon vnd haim, der diho Prei (Tycho Brahe) hat jm abgeförtigt vnd hat jm göben was er jm hat zuegesagt, aber vom khaiser ist jm khain heler nit worten. Der Diho hat jm sein hantl verdörbt beim khaiser er het sonst woll ein guette Verehrung bekhumen so hat ehr des Diho müessen engelten. Der franz (Tengnagel) vnd der Diho sint witer einss sie rihten ietz zu der hochzeit zue, der franz hat mier noh khein gelt göben." . . . Müller left on the 26th, according to a letter from Eriksen to Kepler (Epistolæ, ed. Hanschius, p. 176).