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reorganization and increase of the clerical force of this bureau. I therefore respectfully, but earnestly, renew the recommendations made by me on this point in my last annual report.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,



The Hon. Secretary of the Interior.

Department of the Interior

General Land Office.

Washington, D. C., October 20, 1873.

Sir: The surveys of public lands of the United States, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1873, were as follows: Minnesota, 2,399,136.81 acres; Kansas, 3,464,229.04 acres; Nebraska, 4,417,397.66 acres; California, 1,226,784,725 acres; Nevada, 1,254,731.59 acres; Oregon, 1,319,140.6S acres; Washington Territory, 1,360,451.00 acres; Colorado Territory, 98,401.12 acres; Utah Territory, 45,593.83 acres; Arizona Territory, 302,900.15 acres; New Mexico Territory, 391,341.22 acres; Dakota Territory, 2,295,399.20 acres; Idaho Territory, 646,586.47 acres; Montana Territory, 1,473,917.75 acres; Wyoming Territory, 1,193,395.S8 acres; Louisiana, 172,377.96 acres; Florida, 7 30,103.68 acres; Indian Territory, 4,996,243.97 acres; total, 30,488,132.83, which, added to the amount surveyed prior to that time, makes an aggregate of 616,554,895 acres, surveyed since the commencement of operations under the present system, leaving an estimated area of 1,218,443,506 acres unsurveyed.

The following table exhibits the progress of surveys and the disposal of public lands since the fiscal year ending June 30, 1863:

Fiscal year ending June 30—— Surveying District Land offices. Cost of Survey. No. of acres surveyed No. of acres disposed of.
1864 10 53 $172,906 00 £315,954 3,238,865.00
1865 10 53 170,721 00 4,161,778 4,513,738.00
1866 10 61 186,389 88 4,961,091 4,629,312.00
1867 12 62 423,416 22 10,808,314 7,041,114.00
1868 13 68 325,779 56 10,176,656 6,665,742.00
1869 12 66 497,471 00 10,822,812 7,666,151.00
1870 17 8l 500,210 00 18,105,278 8,095,413.00
1871 17 83 683.910 00 22,016,607 10,765,705.00
1872 17 92 1,019,378 66 29,450,939 11,864,975.64
1873 17 90 1,217,731 67 30,488,132 13,030,606.87

This shows an increase of the number of surveyors-general from ten to seventeen, and of land-offices from fifty-three to ninety, and an increase in the annual survey from 4,315,954 acres to 30,488,132 acres, and an increase in the number of acres disposed of from 3,238,865.00 to 13,030,606.87, the amount disposed of during the year ending June 30, 1873.

The following appropriations for surveys were made by Congress for the present fiscal year: Florida, $12,000; Louisiana, $18,000; Minnesota, $50,000; Dakota Territory, $80,000; Nebraska, $60,000; Kansas, $60,000; Colorado Territory, $80,000; New Mexico Territory, $30,000; Arizona Territory, $20,000; Utah Territory,$25,000; Wyoming Territory, $50,000; Montana Territory, $60,000; Idaho Territory $30,000; Nevada, $50,000; California, $90,000; Oregon, $70,000; and Washington Territory, $70,000.