Page:U.S. Department of the Interior Annual Report 1876.djvu/15

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Approved to States as swamps 1,008,005.52
Certified to railroads 1,001,778.03
Certified for agricultural colleges 42,000.09
Certified for common schools 127, 036.15
Certified for universities 4,460.44
Certified for public buildings 3,118.84
Approved to States for internal improvements 52,331.56
Sioux half-breed-scrip locations 1,568.74
Chippewa half-breed-scrip locations 19.480.27
Total 6,524,326.36

a quantity less by 545,944.93 acres than that disposed of the preceding year.

The cash receipts were $1,747,215.85; a sum less by $32,400.42 than that received the previous year.

During the year 21,806,517.25 acres were surveyed, mating, with the quantity previously surveyed, 702,059,611.47 acres, and leaving yet to be surveyed 1,132,665,244.53 acres.

The quantity of land taken up under the homestead and timber culture acts is 661,966.68 acres greater than that reported last year. As these entries are generally by actual settlers, the increase is at once gratifying and encouraging.

The Commissioner, in his report, ably discusses various questions relating to subjects placed by law under his control. I would especially commend to the consideration of Congress his views, which were those of his immediate predecessor, as to the disposal of lands west of the one hundredth meridian of longitude; of pine and other timber lands; as to the consolidation of the pre-emption and homestead laws; the correction of errors in the Revised Statutes; the publication of maps; the furnishing his office with a law library; as to the land offices at Chillicothe, Ohio, Indianapolis, Ind., and Springfield, Ill.; the Osage ceded lands; and the clerical force in his office.


The facts and figures herein set forth are compiled from the annual reports of the companies.

Stock of the Union Pacific Railroad Company to the amount of $36,783,000, has been subscribed, of which $36,762,300 has been paid. The receipts for the year ending June 30, 1876, were, from transportation of passengers, $4,201,807.89; of freight, $6,923,614.85; and from miscellaneous sources, $988,567.95; total, $12,113,990.69. These figures include "the amounts earned from, but withheld by, the United States, for transportation of its passengers, freight, and mails." The expense of operating the road for the year was $5,447,819.27, leaving net earnings $6,666,171.42. The cost of the road has been $114,465,652. The Omaha bridge cost $2,866,463.72. The total bonded indebtedness of the company is $79,072,312, of which $27,236,512 is due to the United States.

The amount of stock subscribed in the Central Pacific Railroad Com-