Page:U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual 2008.djvu/212

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Chapter 8

When the plural form of an acronym appears in parentheses, a lower case 5 is included within the parentheses.


The apostrophe is omitted in abbreviations, and also in shortened forms of certain other words.

Danl., not Dan'l
Halloween, not Hallowe'en
phone, not 'phone
copter, not 'copter
coon, not 'coon
possum, not 'possum

but ma'am


The plural of spelled-out numbers, of words referred to as words, and of words containing an apostrophe is formed by adding s or es; but 's is added to indicate the plural of words used as words if omission of the apostrophe would cause difficulty in reading.

twos, threes, sevens
ands, ifs, and huts
ins and outs
the haves and have-nots
ups and downs
whereases and wherefores
pros and cons
yeses and noes
yeas and nays


do's and don'ts
which's and that's

The possessive case is often used in lieu of an objective phrase even though ownership is not involved.

1 day's labor (labor for 1 day)
for charity's sake
12 days' labor
for pity's sake
2 hours' traveltime
several billion dollars' worth
a stone's throw
2 weeks' pay

but $10 billion worth


The possessive case is not used in such expressions as the following, in which one noun modifies another.

day labor (labor by the day)
State prison
quartermaster stores
State rights