Page:U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual 2008.djvu/29

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General Instructions

Datelines, addresses, and signatures
Copy preparers must mark caps, small caps, italic, abbreviations, indentions, and line breaks where necessary. (For more detailed instructions, see Chapter 16 "Datelines, Addresses, and Signatures.")
Decimals and common fractions
In figure columns containing both decimals and common fractions, such decimals and/or fractions will not be aligned. The columns will be set flush right.
"Et cetera," "etc.," and "and so forth"
In printing a speaker's language, the words and so forth or et cetera are preferred, but in "FIC & punc." matter etc., is acceptable. If a quoted extract is set in type smaller than that of the preceding text and the speaker has summed up the remainder of the quotation with the words and so forth or et cetera, these words should be placed at the beginning of the next line, flush and lowercase, and an em dash should be used at the end of the extract.
Folioing and stamping copy
Folio numbers should be placed in the upper right corner, preferably half an inch from the top.
The element identifier codes to be used for all headings must be marked. Caps, caps and small caps, small caps, caps and lowercase, lowercase first up (first word and proper nouns capitalized), or italic must be prepared. (See rule 3.49.)
The jacket number of a job from which matter is to be picked up must be indicated. New matter and pickup matter should conform in style.