Page:U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual 2008.djvu/331

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Datelines, Addresses, and Signatures

North American Ice Co.,
Sylvia Rooney, Secretary.
John [his thumbmark] Smith.☐
Nita M. Lowey,
Frank Wolf,
Managers on the Part of the House.☐
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.,
Richard Lugar,
Managers on the Part of the Senate.☐

☐I am, very respectfully, yours,
(Signed) ☐Fred C. Kleinschmidt,☐☐☐
Assistant Clerk, Court of Claims.☐
☐On behalf of the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce:
Geo. W. Philips.
Saml. Campbell.
☐I have the honor to be,
☐☐☐Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
(Signed)☐John R. King
(Typed)☐John R. King,


(S)☐John R. King
John R. King,
Richard Roe, Notary Public.
☐By the Governor:
Nathaniel Cox, Secretary of State.
John Smith, Governor.
☐By the President:
Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State.
☐Respectfully submitted.
Mary Farrell, U.S. Indian Agent.
☐☐☐Yours truly,
Capt. James Staley, Jr.,
☐☐☐Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Frank E. (Betty) Sheffield.
☐☐☐Very respectfully,
Ron Golden, U.S. Indian Agent.