Page:U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual 2008.djvu/68

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Chapter 4.

Republican national committeeman

Republican policy committee; the committee
Senate policy committee
Subcommittee on Immigration; the subcommittee
but Baker committee
ad hoc committee
conference committee
Committee Print No. 32; Committee Prints Nos. 8 and 9; committee print
Common Cause
British Commonwealth; the Commonwealth
of Australia
of Kentucky
of Massachusetts
of Pennsylvania
of Virginia
Communist Party; a Communist
compact, U.S. marine fisheries, etc.; the compact
Company, if part of name; capitalized standing alone if referring to unit of Federal Government:
Panama Canal Railway Company; the Company
Procter & Gamble Co.; the company
Comptroller of the Currency; the Comptroller
Comptroller General (U.S.); the Comptroller
Confederacy (of the South)
Confederation, Articles of
Conference, if referring to governmental (U.S.) or international conference:
Bretton Woods; the Conference
Judicial Conference of the United States; U.S. Judicial Conference; Judicial Conference; the Conference
Tenth Annual Conference of the United Methodist Churches; the conference
Congress (convention), if part of name; capitalized standing alone if referring to international congress:
Library of
of Industrial Organizations
of Parents and Teachers, National; the congress
Congress (legislature), if referring to national congress:
of Bolivia, etc.; the Congress
of the United States; First, Second, 10th, 103d, etc.; the Congress
Black Caucus; the Black Caucus; the caucus
Directory, the directory
District, First, 10th, etc.; the First District; the congressional district; the district
Medal of Honor (see decorations)
but congressional action, committee, etc.
Congressman; Congresswoman; Congressman at Large; Member of Congress; Member; membership
Conservative Party; a Conservative
Constitution, with name of country; capitalized standing alone when referring to a specific national constitution; but New York State Constitution; the constitution
consul, British, general, etc.
consulate, British, etc.