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Traffic Signs

7. Signs shown in diagrams Nos. 107 and 435 may be used only to indicate road junctions where the distance between the junctions does not exceed 70 yards.

8. The sign shown in diagram No. 112 may be used only to indicate a succession of bends in a road occurring over a distance not exceeding 2 miles.

9. The sign shown in diagram No. 118 may be used only to indicate a gradient exceeding 1 in 13 and such gradient shall be shown on the sign to the nearest integer below.

10. The signs shown in diagrams Nos . 122 and 123 may be used only in conjunction with a sign shown in either of the diagrams Nos. 119 and 120.

11. Signs shown in diagrams Nos . 125 to 128 inclusive may be used only to indicate a bridge where the headroom is less than 16 feet 6 inches and the measurement of the headroom on any such sign shall be shown in multiples of 3 inches and shall be between 2 inches and 5 inches less than the headroom available over at least 10 feet of the carriageway.

12. The sign shown in diagram No. 127 may be placed only on or near a minor road at its approach to a more important road.

13. The sign shown in diagram No. 131 may be used only for the purpose of giving advance warning of a level crossing not provided with gates and the sign shown in diagram No. 132 may be used only in conjunction with the sign shown in diagram No. 131 and at the site of such level crossing.

14. Signs shown in diagrams Nos. 139 and 141 may respectively be used only to indicate the presence of a ford where the depth of water is normally 8 inches or less and the presence of a ford where the depth of water is normally over 8 inches, and the sign shown in diagram No. 140 may be used only beyond a ford in conjunction with either of the first-mentioned signs.

15. The sign shown in diagram No. 147 may be used only to indicate the likely presence on a road of children going to or from school.

16. The sign shown in diagram No. 149 may be used only on a road on which no speed limit is in force and the legend on the sign shall be visible to approaching drivers only at such times as a school crossing patrol within the meaning of the School Crossing Patrols Act, 1953(a)[1], is on duty in the vicinity of, but not nearer than 100 yards to, the site of the sign.

17. The sign shown in diagram No. 154 may be used only on an unfenced road.

18.(1) The sign shown in diagram No. 158 shall be so placed that the top of the sign is not less than 2 feet 6 inches nor more than 4 feet 6 inches above the adjacent surface of the carriageway.

(2) Where a post is specially provided for mounting such a sign such a post shall be not less than 6 inches in width and shall be painted in alternate black and white horizontal bands each band being not less than 9 inches nor more than 13 inches in depth.

19. No sign shown in any of the diagrams Nos. 159 to 165 inclusive may be retained after the completion of the road works of which it gave warning except with the approval in writing given by or on behalf of the Minister or the Secretary of State, as the case may be.

  1. (a) 1 & 2 Eliz. 2. c. 45.