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Early Parliamentary General Election
(No. 2)
Early Parliamentary General Election
(No. 2)

Mr Speaker: The House is scheduled to return on 14 October and the hon. Gentleman knows for what purpose we will resume—for the Gracious Address and the opening of the new Session—but the House and its Members are legendarily ingenious in ensuring that that which they wish to be attended to in the House is attended to in the House.

Order. The sitting is now suspended until 1.10 am. Shortly before the sitting resumes, I shall cause the Division bells to be sounded.

12.56 am

Sitting suspended (Order, this day).


1.18 am

Message to attend the Lords Commissioners delivered by the Lady Usher of the Black Rod.

Hon. Members: No.

Mr Speaker: Black Rod, I treat you and what you have to say with respect, and I recognise that our presence is desired by Her Majesty the Queen’s Commissioners. They are doing what they believe to be right, and I recognise my role in this matter. [Interruption.] Wait a minute. I could not care less whether you like it or not. [Interruption.] No, I am more than happy, if people have the basics of tolerance and manners to listen, they would hear that I am perfectly happy, as I have advised others, to play my part, but I want to make the point that this is not a standard or normal Prorogation. [Interruption.] I do not require any assistance from you, Mr Stephenson. You would not have the foggiest idea where to start on seeking to counsel me on this—[Interruption.] I require no response from you, young man. Get out man—you will not be missed.

I have already made the point, if people have the manners to listen, which they have not, that I will play my part. This is not, however, a normal Prorogation. It is not typical. It is not standard. It is one of the longest for decades, and it represents, not just in the minds of many colleagues but for huge numbers of people outside an act of Executive fiat. I quite understand. I have already said that I respect Black Rod, who is doing her duty. The Queen’s Commissioners are doing their duty, and I will play my part. I completely understand. [Interruption.] It is not disorder. I do not require advice on order from you, Mr Stuart. You are a master of disorder, man. I completely understand why very large numbers of Members are much more comfortable staying where they are. Mr Stuart, if you do not like it, you are perfectly entitled to your view. I could not give a flying flamingo what your view is. [Interruption.] Thank you very much indeed.

The Speaker, with the House, went up to hear Her Majesty’s Commission; on their return, the Speaker sat in the Clerk’s place at the Table.'


Mr Speaker: Like all of you, I feel much more at home here.

Martin Docherty-Hughes (West Dunbartonshire) (SNP): Will you not take a peerage then?

Mr Speaker: Who said it was offered?

I have to acquaint the House that the House has been to the House of Peers, where a Commission under the Great Seal was read, authorising the Royal Assent to the following Act:

Parliamentary Buildings (Restoration and Renewal) Act 2019.