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958 With—flow bus lane ahead that may be used by the vehicles indicated on the sign

May be used with diagram 967. The word "taxi" may be omitted. The local bus symbol may be varied to the bus symbol shown in diagram 960

959 With—flow bus lane that may be used by the vehicles indicated on the sign

May be used with diagram 967. The word "taxi" in white letters may be added alongside the cycle symbol. The local bus symbol may be varied to the bus symbol shown in diagram 960

961 Times of operation of a with—flow bus lane or cycle lane

May be used only in combination with diagrams 958, 958.7, 959 and 959.7. Times and days of the week may be varied.
The legend may be varied to "At any time"

15.11 The signs to diagrams 958 and 959 should indicate the type of vehicles that are allowed to use the lane, i.e. they must show the bus symbol, with or without the legend "local", the cycle symbol and, optionally, the legend "taxi" (see para 15.1). The legend "local" on the bus symbol indicates that the lane may be used only by those buses operating a local service as defined in regulation 4 (see also regulation 24(2)). The bus symbol without the legend "local" means that any bus, as defined in regulation 24(1), may use the lane. The detailed design of the signs to diagrams 958 and 959 and their variants is shown on the working drawings (see para 1.9).

15.12 Where a bus lane does not operate at all times, the signs to diagrams 958 and 959 should incorporate the sign to diagram 961 indicating the days and times of operation (see figure 15-2). Where there is more than one bus lane along a particular length of road or within the same geographical area, the times of operation should be consistent, where possible, to avoid driver confusion. The width of diagram 961 is the same as diagrams 958 and 959; it cannot be made any narrower or wider, nor can the width of diagrams 958 and 959 be varied to

Figure 15-2 Part-time bus lane (see para 15-12)

Figure 15-3 24-hour bus lane; lower panel normally omitted (see para 15.12)