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S/RES/2340 (2017)

(2005), and 1945 (2010), in particular those obligations relating to arms and related materiel,

Calling on the Government of Sudan to fulfil all its commitments, including lifting the state of emergency in Darfur, allowing free expression and undertaking effective efforts to ensure accountability for violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law, by whomsoever perpetrated,

Noting that acts of hostility, violence or intimidation against the civilian population, including IDPs, in Darfur, endanger or undermine the parties’ commitment to a complete and durable cessation of hostilities, and would be inconsistent with the aims of the DDPD,

Determining that the situation in Sudan continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security in the region,

Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

1.Decides to extend the mandate of the Panel of Experts, originally appointed pursuant to resolution 1591 (2005) and previously extended by resolutions 1651 (2005), 1665 (2006), 1713 (2006), 1779 (2007), 1841 (2008), and 1891 (2009), 1945 (2010), 1982 (2011), 2035 (2012), 2091 (2013), 2138 (2014), 2200 (2015) and 2265 (2016) until 12 March 2018, expresses its intent to review the mandate and take appropriate action regarding further extension no later than 12 February 2018, and requests the Secretary-General to take the necessary administrative measures, including basing arrangements, as expeditiously as possible;

2.Requests the Panel of Experts to provide to the Committee a first report on its activities no later than 12 August 2017, and, after discussion with the Committee, a final report to the Council no later than 12 January 2018 with its findings and recommendations;

3.Requests the Panel of Experts to provide updates every three months to the Committee regarding its activities, including Panel travel, and requests that any obstacles encountered to the fulfilment of its mandate, as well as violations of any part of the sanctions regime, be reported immediately;

4.Requests the Panel of Experts to report, in the timeframe identified in paragraph 3 of this resolution, on the implementation and effectiveness of paragraph 10 of resolution 1945 (2010);

5.Expresses concern that the Panel of Experts was not able to access Darfur since the adoption of resolution 2265 (2016), underscores the need for the Panel to have full and unfettered access to all of Darfur to fulfil its mandate, throughout the length of its mandate, insists that the Government of Sudan remove all restrictions, limitations and bureaucratic impediments imposed on the work of the Panel of Experts, including by issuing timely multiple-entry visas to all members of the Panel of Experts for the duration of its mandate, and by waiving the requirement of Darfur travel permits for said Panel members and enhance its cooperation and information sharing with the Panel, and stresses that it will monitor the degree of cooperation of the Government of Sudan on such matters;
