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S/RES/2340 (2017)

paragraph 3 of resolution 1591 (2005) and resolution 1672 (2006), including by engaging immediately with all relevant parties;

14.Reiterates that all States, particularly those in the region, shall take the necessary measures to prevent entry into or transit through their territories of all persons as designated by the Committee, in accordance with paragraph 3 of resolution 1591 (2005), and calls upon the Government of Sudan to enhance cooperation and information sharing with other States in this regard;

15.Urges all States, in particular those in the region, to report to the Committee on the actions they have taken to implement measures imposed by resolutions 1591 (2005) and 1556 (2004), including imposition of targeted measures;

16.Expresses its intention, following the first report, to review the state of implementation, including obstacles to full and effective implementation of the measures, imposed in resolutions 1591 (2005) and 1945 (2010), with a view to ensuring full compliance;

17.Regrets that some individuals of the Government of Sudan and armed groups in Darfur continue to commit violence against civilians, impede the peace process, and disregard the demands of the Council, expresses its intention to impose targeted sanctions against individuals and entities that meet the listing criteria of paragraph 3 (c) of resolution 1591 (2005), and encourages the Panel of Experts, in coordination with the Joint African Union/United Nations Mediation, to provide to the Committee when appropriate the names of any individuals, groups, or entities that may meet the listing criteria;

18.Deplores the attacks against UNAMID while acknowledging that such attacks have been less frequent in 2016, and calls upon the Government of Sudan to swiftly investigate and bring the perpetrators to justice, taking into account the findings of the 2014, 2015 and 2016 final reports of the Panel of Experts, and the Secretary-General’s report of 23 December 2016 (S/2016/1109), and reaffirms its deep condolences to the Governments and families of those killed;

19.Condemns the use of civilian establishments, in particular the camps for IDPs, by the armed groups, including those opposing the Government of Sudan, to gain a military advantage in a manner that places civilians and civilian objects at risk from the dangers arising from armed conflict;

20. Requests the Panel of Experts to continue to investigate the financing and role of armed, military, and political groups in attacks against civilians and UNAMID personnel in Darfur;

21.Recalls that individuals and entities who plan, sponsor or participate in such attacks constitute a threat to stability in Darfur and may therefore meet the designation criteria provided for in paragraphs 3 (c) of resolution 1591 (2005), and expresses its intention to impose targeted sanctions on individuals and entities who plan, sponsor or participate in such attacks;

22.Requests the Panel of Experts to investigate any means of the financing of armed groups in Darfur;
