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S/RES/2342 (2017)

Recalling the listing of Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and associated individuals on the ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions List and stressing in this regard the need for robust implementation of the measures in paragraph 2 of resolution 2253 (2015) as a significant tool in combating terrorist activity in Yemen,

Noting the critical importance of effective implementation of the sanctions regime imposed pursuant to resolution 2140 (2014) and resolution 2216 (2015), including the key role that Member States from the region can play in this regard, and encouraging efforts to further enhance cooperation,

Recalling the provisions of paragraph 14 of resolution 2216 (2015) imposing a targeted arms embargo,

Gravely distressed by the continued deterioration of the devastating humanitarian situation in Yemen, expressing serious concern at all instances of hindrances to the effective delivery of humanitarian assistance, including limitations on the delivery of vital goods to the civilian population of Yemen,

Emphasizing the necessity of discussion by the Committee established pursuant to paragraph 19 of resolution 2140 (2014) ("the Committee"), of the recommendations contained in the Panel of Experts reports,

Determining that the situation in Yemen continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security,

Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

1. Reaffirms the need for the full and timely implementation of the political transition following the comprehensive National Dialogue Conference, in line with the Gulf Cooperation Council Initiative and Implementation Mechanism, and in accordance with resolutions 2014 (2011), 2051 (2012), 2140 (2014), 2201 (2015), 2204 (2015) 2216 (2015), and 2266 (2016) and with regard to the expectations of the Yemeni people;

2. Decides to renew until 26 February 2018 the measures imposed by paragraphs 11 and 15 of resolution 2140 (2014), reaffirms the provisions of paragraphs 12, 13, 14 and 16 of resolution 2140 (2015), and further reaffirms the provisions of paragraphs 14 to 17 of resolution 2216 (2015);

Designation Criteria

3. Reaffirms that the provisions of paragraphs 11 and 15 of resolution 2140 (2014) and paragraph 14 of resolution 2216 (2015) shall apply to individuals or entities designated by the Committee, or listed in the annex to resolution 2216 (2015) as engaging in or providing support for acts that threaten the peace, security or stability of Yemen;

4. Reaffirms the designation criteria set out in paragraph 17 of resolution 2140 (2014) and paragraph 19 of resolution 2216 (2015);


5. Decides to extend until 28 March 2018 the mandate of the Panel of Experts as set out in paragraph 21 of resolution 2140 (2014), and paragraph 21 of
