Page:UN Resolution 2366 (2017).djvu/2

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S/RES/2366 (2017)

process of political, economic and social reincorporation of the FARC-EP; the implementation of personal and collective security guarantees; and comprehensive programmes on security and protection measures for communities and organisations in the territories, and should include the required regional and local verification;

3. Decides also that the Verification Mission shall begin all verification activities on 26 September 2017, immediately after completion of the mandate of the United Nations Mission in Colombia established by resolution 2261 (2016), and that this will commence the initial 12 month period provided for in paragraph 1;

4. Decides also that the Verification Mission shall work closely with the relevant verification bodies established by the Final Agreement, in particular the Commission for Follow-up, Promotion and Verification of the Implementation of the Final Agreement, the National Reincorporation Council and the National Commission for Security Guarantees;

5. Requests the Verification Mission to work in co-ordination with United Nations Country Team Members in Colombia in accordance with their respective mandates;

6. Further requests the Secretary-General to initiate preparations now, including on the ground, and to present detailed recommendations to the Security Council for its consideration and approval regarding the size and operational aspects and mandate of the Verification Mission, consistent with the Final Agreement, within 45 days of the adoption of this resolution;

7. Further requests the United Nations Mission in Colombia established by resolution 2261 (2016) to begin provisional work anticipated by the Verification Mission in paragraph 2 of this resolution as set out in the Secretary-General's report of 23 June 2017 within its current configuration and capacity until the completion of its mandate on 25 September 2017;

8. Further requests the Secretary-General, based on the reporting of the Special Representative, to report to the Security Council on the implementation of the Verification Mission's mandate every 90 days after the start of its verification activities;

9. Expresses its willingness to work with the Government of Colombia to extend the mandate of the Verification Mission on the basis of agreement between the parties.
