Page:UN Security Council Resolution 1837.djvu/2

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S/RES/1837 (2008)

  1. Decides to extend the terms of office of the following permanent judges at the Tribunal who are members of the Trial Chambers until 31 December 2009, or until the completion of the cases to which they are assigned if sooner:
    – Carmel Agius (Malta)
    – Jean-Claude Antonetti (France)
    – Iain Bonomy (United Kingdom)
    – Christoph Flügge (Germany)
    – O-Gon Kwon (South Korea)
    – Bakone Justice Moloto (South Africa)
    – Alphons Orie (The Netherlands)
    – Kevin Parker (Australia)
    – Patrick Robinson (Jamaica)
    – Christine Van den Wyngaert (Belgium)
  2. Decides to extend the terms of office of the following ad litem judges, currently serving at the Tribunal, until 31 December 2009, or until the completion of the cases to which they are assigned if sooner:
    – Ali Nawaz Chowhan (Pakistan)
    – Pedro David (Argentina)
    – Elizabeth Gwaunza (Zimbabwe)
    – Frederik Harhoff (Denmark)
    – Tsvetana Kamenova (Bulgaria)
    – Uldis Kinis (Latvia)
    – Flavia Lattanzi (Italy)
    – Antoine Kesia-Mbe Mindua (Democratic Republic of Congo)
    – Janet Nosworthy (Jamaica)
    – Michèle Picard (France)
    – Árpád Prandler (Hungary)
    – Kimberly Prost (Canada)
    – Ole Bjørn Støle (Norway)
    – Stefan Trechsel (Switzerland)
  3. Decides to extend the term of office of the following ad litem judges, who are not currently appointed to serve at the Tribunal, until 31 December 2009, or until the completion of any cases to which they may be assigned if sooner:
    – Melville Baird (Trinidad and Tobago)
    – Frans Bauduin (The Netherlands)
    – Burton Hall (The Bahamas)