Page:UN Security Council Resolution 1840.djvu/4

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S/RES/1840 (2008)

international support to enhance its capacity, which is indispensable for the sustainable success of MINUSTAH;

5. Expresses its full support for the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, notably in his efforts related to improving stability and governance in close cooperation with the Government of Haiti, and reaffirms his authority in the coordination and conduct of all activities of United Nations agencies, funds, and programmes in Haiti;

6. Reaffirms its call upon MINUSTAH to support the political process under way in Haiti, including through the good offices of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, and, in cooperation with the Government of Haiti, to promote an all-inclusive political dialogue and national reconciliation, and to provide logistical and security assistance for the upcoming electoral process, in particular the elections which were scheduled to take place in November 2007, to fill the Senate seats that were left vacant with the end of the mandate of one third of the Senators on 8 May 2008;

7. Recognizes the importance of resolving political differences through dialogue and encourages the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to facilitate this dialogue between the Government of Haiti and all relevant political actors in order to ensure that the democratically elected political institutions can continue carrying forward the reform work laid out in the National Strategy for Growth and Poverty Reduction Paper (DSNCRP);

8. Welcomes the continuing contribution of MINUSTAH to the Government of Haiti’s efforts to build institutional capacity at all levels and calls upon MINUSTAH, consistent with its mandate, to expand such support to strengthen selfsustaining state institutions, especially outside Port-au-Prince, including through the provision of specialized expertise to key ministries and institutions;

9. Requests that MINUSTAH continue its support of the HNP as deemed necessary to ensure security in Haiti, and encourages MINUSTAH and the Government of Haiti to continue to undertake coordinated deterrent actions to decrease the level of crime and violence;

10. Recognizes the need for improving and enhancing the efforts in the implementation of the HNP Reform Plan and requests MINUSTAH, consistent with its mandate, to remain engaged in assisting the Government of Haiti to reform and restructure the HNP notably by supporting the monitoring, mentoring, training and vetting of police personnel and strengthening of institutional and operational capacities, while working to recruit sufficient individual police officers to serve as instructors and mentors of the HNP, consistent with its overall strategy to progressively transfer geographic and functional responsibility for conventional law and order duties to its Haitian counterparts in accordance with the HNP Reform Plan;

11. Invites Member States, including neighbouring and regional States, in coordination with MINUSTAH, to engage with the Government of Haiti to address cross-border illicit trafficking of persons, drugs, arms and other illegal activities, and to contribute to strengthening HNP capacity in these areas;

12. Requests MINUSTAH to provide technical expertise in support of the efforts of the Government to pursue an integrated border management approach, 4