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Treaties and international agreements
registered or filed and recorded
with the Secretariat of the United Nations

VOLUME 1207 1980 I. Nos. 19441-19470



Treaties and international agreements registered from 28 November 1980 to 18 December 1980
No. 19441.
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Indonesia:
Loan Agreement—Nucleus Estate and Smallholders IV Project (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 15 March 1974). Signed at Washington on 16 May 1980
No. 19442.
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Indonesia:
Loan Agreement—Third Population Project (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 15 March 1974). Signed at Washington on 13 June 1980
No. 19443
International Development; Association and Lao People's Democratic Republic:
Development Credit Agreement—Third Agricultural Rehabilitation and Development Project (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Development Credit Agreements dated 15 March 1974). Signed at Washington on 22 May 1980
No. 19444.
International Development Association and Comoros:
Development Credit Agreement—Coconut Rehabilitation and Rodent Control Project (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Development Credit Agreements dated 15 March 1974). Signed at Paris on 30 June 1980
No. 19445
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Fiji:
Guarantee Agreement—Second Power Project (with General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 15 March 1974). Signed at Washington on 29 July 1980

Vol. 1207