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Ship's Coat of Arms

USS TAURUS has been named for the magnificent, legendary, snow-white animal into which the all powerful Jupiter, thunderer and lightning hurler, changed himself in order to attract and dash away with Europa, the beautiful daughter of the King of Phoenicia, whom he won for a bride. Taurus was the emblem of immortality to the Egyptians and worshipped centuries before the time of Christ in Persia and Babylon. Over 4,000 years ago, The bull marked the Vernal Equinox, the position in the sky occupied by the sun on the first day of spring. This yearly occurrence was the cause of great festivals and celebrations throughout the ancient world.

The symbolism contained in the ship's coat of arms represents TAURUS' mythological namesake and her present mission. The stars represent the constellation Taurus. The white bull and surf represent the ship.

The Ship's motto AD ASTRA means "to the stars" but also signifies the idealism upon which the United States of America was founded and the lofty goals set for USS TAURUS by her officers and crew.