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The King and His People

is being attended to spiritually by Ham Mukasa, who recently accompanied the Katikiro to England, and his education in general by two of the teachers trained in the Boys’ School, Mengo. He is learning English, reading, writing, and arithmetic.

That the king appreciates the European missionaries, and their friendly feeling towards him, has been evinced by a curious native custom which he has followed several times. On one of these occasions he sent his teacher with a garment to me with the following message: ‘The king has sent me to salute you. He is sorry he cannot come to see you himself, but, as he cannot, he has sent you his shirt to wear for a few days, and you are to think of his love for you when wearing it’; and when going home on furlough he gave me a pair of sandals, which he took from his feet for that purpose. These are the greatest marks of affection that can be shown in Uganda. King Daudi is a very