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Uganda by Pen and Camera

take it outside the house, put it on a plantain leaf, and wash it in cold water; it is then smeared over with butter. Most of the women grow and smoke their own tobacco, which is probably indigenous to the country. It grows very readily indeed, and is of good flavour.

A man desiring marriage has no thought of love in the matter. He simply makes a bargain with the chief or father of the object of his choice, and has to promise exactly what he will pay as a wedding portion, generally £2 to £3, the amount being much greater for chiefs, who can afford to pay.[1] He has also to state what presents of clothing he will give his wife and her parents, and to specify the exact amount of food and beer he will provide for the marriage feast, before he can obtain his wife. After marriage, if he should offend his wife, it

  1. A recent effort has been made to limit the sum to Rs.10 (=13s. 4d.) for non-chiefs.