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roll.) After having said which I took my departure. Farewell. Fare thee well. Dreck!

(Henry Flower combs his moustache and beard rapidly with a pocketcomb and gives a cow’s lick to his hair. Steered by his rapier, he glides to the door, his wild harp slung behind him. Virag reaches the door in two ungainly stilthops, his tail cocked, and deftly claps sideways on the wall a pusyellow flybill, butting it with his head.)

the flybill

K. 11. post no bills. Strictly confidential. Dr Hy Franks.


All is lost now.

(Virag unscrews his head in a trice and holds it under his arm.)

virag’s head


(Exeunt severally.)


(Over his shoulder to Zoe.) You would have preferred the fighting parson who founded the protestant error. But beware Antisthenes, the dog sage, and the last end of Arius Heresiarchus. The agony in the closet.


All one and the same God to her.


(Devoutly.) And Sovereign Lord of all things.


(To Stephen.) I’m sure you are a spoiled priest. Or a monk.


He is. A cardinal’s son.