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(Frowns.) Here. This isn’t a musical peepshow. And don’t you smash that piano. Who’s paying here?

(She goes to the pianola. Stephen fumbles in his pocket and, taking out a banknote by its corner, hands it to her.)


(With exagerated politeness.) This silken purse I made out of the sow’s ear of the public. Madam, excuse me. If you allow me. (He indicates vaguely Lynch and Bloom.) We are all in the same sweepstake, Kinch and Lynch. Dans ce bordel où tenons nostre état.


(Calls from the hearth.) Dedalus! Give her your blessing for me.


(Hands Bella a coin.) Gold. She has it.


(Looks at the money, then at Zoe, Florry and Kitty.) Do you want three girls? It’s ten shillings here.


(Delightedly.) A hundred thousand apologies. (He fumbles again and takes out and hands her two crowns.) Permit, brevi manu, my sight is somewhat troubled.

(Bella goes to the table to count the money while Stephen talks to himself in monosyllabbes. Zoe bounds over to the table. Kitty leans over Zoe’s neck. Lynch gets up, rights his cap and clasping Kitty’s waist, adds his head to the group.)


(Strives heavily to rise.) Ow! My foot’s asleep. (She limps over to the table. Bloom approaches.)

bella, zoe, kitty, lynch, bloom

(Chattering and squabbling.) The gentleman… ten shillings… paying for the three… allow me a moment… this gentleman pays separate… who’s touching it?… ow… mind who you’re pinching… are you staying the night or a