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private carr

I don’t give a bugger who he is.

private compton

We don’t give a bugger who he is.


I seem to annoy them. Green rag to a bull.

(Kevin Egan of Paris in black Spanish tasselled shirt and peep-o’-day boy’s hat signs to Stephen.)

kevin egan

H’lo. Bonjour! The vieille ogresse with the dents jaunes.

(Patrice Egan peeps from behind, his rabbit face nibbling a quince leaf.)



don emile patrizio franz rupert pope hennessy

(In medieval hauberk, two wild geese valant on his helm, with noble indignation points a mailed hand against the privates.) Werf those eykes to footboden, big grand porcos of johnyellows todos covered of gravy!


(To Stephen.) Come home. You’ll get into trouble.


(Swaying.) I don’t avoid it. He provokes my intelligence.

biddy the clap

One immediately observes that he is of patrician lineage.

the virago

Green above the red, says he. Wolfe Tone.

the bawd

The red’s as good as the green, and better. Up the soldiers! Up King Edward!