Page:Unauthorised Access to Credit Data in the TE Credit Reference System.pdf/15

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Annex 1

Authorization Letter of TE Credit Information Inquirement

Authorization Letter of TE Credit Information Inquirement

I, User's Name (HKID No./Other Document No. aaa) hereby authorize **** Loan Company Limited to inquire my related loan information for processing the loan application and repayment within the "TE Credit Reference System "hereafter. "Information" includes applied amount, installment periods, approval, rejection, payout, overdue payment, arrears, OCA, bad debt, and interest arrears. (Exclude the personal information: phone number, address and date of birth)

本人 User's Name (香港身份證 / 其他證件號碼:aaa) 僅此同意及授權 ****財務有限公司 是次及將來有權查詢本人於 TE信貸資料庫內由 TE信貸資料庫其他會員 (即信貸資料提供者) 提供的信貸資料,信貸資料包括本人之申請金額、期數、批核、拒絕、放款、逾期還款、拖欠、交追數、撇帳及現時尚欠本息的部分或全部資料 (但不包括本人之電話、住址、出生日期),用作審批貸款申請及了解日後還款情況之用途。

Declaration 聲明

Inquiry / change of personal particulars

The Borrower have right to request his/her personal credit report from Softmedia Technology Co. Ltd., who operates "TE Credit Reference System", or check the report through Application "MyLoan".

查詢 / 更改個人借貸資料

借款申請人日後亦可向提供 TE 信貸資料庫服務的機構 Softmedia Technology Co. Ltd. 要求索取個人信貸資料報告或透過 MyLoan App 註冊及認證後自行查閲自己的信貸資料報告。

If any information of the TE credit report is found to be incomplete, misleading or inaccurate, please contact Softmedia Technology Co. Ltd. by email

如發現信貸資料報告的資料有錯漏或不實,可聯絡 Softmedia Technology Co. Ltd. 作出跟進,電郵

Requirement of TE credit report from Softmedia Technology Co. Ltd. might charge a service fee.

透過索取或MyLoan App 查詢信貸資料報告,Softmedia Technology Co. Ltd. 會收取適當及合理的費用。

The Chinese version shall prevail.


Signature 簽署

Name 姓名 : User's Name
Date 日期 :