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article was strapped tightly, and one hand of the sleeper rested on the buckle. Nevertheless, by careful work he managed to pull seven of the cartridges from the belt, and these he slipped into one of his pockets.

Retreating as speedily as he could without making any noise, Walter next circled around several trees and came closer to where Si was at work. The Yankee lad had aroused two of the prisoners and had his hands over their mouths to prevent any outcry.

"Hush!" whispered Si. "Don't make any noise. I will cut you loose."

The prisoners were much amazed, but they understood, and remained quiet while he cut their bonds.

"Now arm yourselves if you can," went on the Yankee lad, in a voice filled with restrained excitement. "But don't wake the rebels up until I've cut loose some of your friends."

"All right, messmate," was the whispered reply from one of the men, and Si was now certain he was a sailor, for he wore a seaman's headgear, upon the band of which appeared the name Yorktown.

"I have the rifle," whispered Walter. "What shall I do next?"