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"'Tis nearly three weeks now. You have a high fever and a bad leg."

"I was shot in the leg. And so I had a fever?" He mused for a moment, trying vainly to get back his thoughts. "Where is Si? And Palmer?"

The girl shook her head. Then she arose, went to the doorway, which was covered with a bamboo and bead curtain, and called Señora Garabella, who came quickly. A short talk in Spanish followed.

"Oh,- I remember now," came presently from Walter. "I was running after Palmer, when the whole world seemed to turn upside down, all in a second. I was awfully weak. Did you see anything of my friends? I mean Si Doring and that big sailor, Palmer. Palmer got away from the rebels, and we were going to release some others," he rattled on, the color rising in his face.

"Hush!" said the girl. "My aunt say you must keep quiet, or you will be sick a second time. She say you can talk to-morrow." And there the conversation came to an end. Walter dozed off, and it was nightfall before he again opened his eyes. Then he partook of some nourishment and dropped off once more, this time in a sleep which did him a world of good.