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gayen Gulf, hoping to attack General MacArthur, at a favorable moment, from the northwest.

"What do you intend to do with me?" he asked, later on.

At this Inez Garabella shook her head sadly.

"She does not know," said Rosa. "She says the house is watched from the outside by nearly all of those left in the village, and if you try to get away, they will pounce upon you and cast you into prison."

"Do you consider me a prisoner of war?"

"No, no, she would let you go—if she could. But she is powerless to deal with those in the village."

"Then I've got to stay here?"

"What else is there to do? If you try to run away, you are so weak you would soon be sick again—or they might shoot you down. You had better remain here for the present, so my aunt, she says."

And so it was arranged. But Walter longed to see Larry and Ben, and the days dragged heavily upon his hands.