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paid attention to his cry, and again he hurled himself at the door, but all in vain.

"What's up?" asked several, coming to the scene. "Who's in there, captain?"

"Stummer and Casey—the Filipinos have caught them. Who will follow me over the wall to rescue them?"

"I will!" "So will I!" "Count on me!" Such were some of the answers received from eight of the company members. Waiting for nothing more, Ben stepped back, made a leap and clutched the top of the wall with his hands. A soldier gave him a boost, and in return he gave the private a hand up. Soon the others were coming over the wall like so many monkeys.

But the sharpshooters had spotted the movement, quick as it was, and three shots rang out, and one man was hit in the leg and had to fall back on the outer side of the enclosure. Ben felt a bullet brush his cheek, and putting up his hand withdrew it covered with blood.

"You are hit, cap," came from one of the men.

"It's only a scratch, Leary. Come—the shed! Quick!"

The private understood, and followed Ben around