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How the man had gotten up on the high stone shelf was hard to guess, and it was equally hard for him to gain the floor again. As he fell, rather than leaped, down, he began to sneeze again, for he had a severe cold in the head.

"I must say you don't look like a soldier," continued Major Morris, as he surveyed the individual from head to foot. "Were you fighting with the sharpshooters?"

"No! no!" The friar crossed himself. "I no shoota nobody. I am of de church!" And he crossed himself again.

"Well, what were you doing here? This place hasn't been used as a church for a long time."

"I am a poor friar, señor—verra poor friar. I come to Magalang from Desdenas, thinking to find one friend—one old friend—in Magalang. He is gone,—to de war,—and so I go away poor, and sleep in de church las' night. When I awake, de church is full of de soldiers, an' I was verra much afraid. I come in here an' hide. Bang I bang! de gun go, an' I verra much afraid more! No! no! I no shoota nobody! I like not war, no! no!" And once again the holy man crossed himself, and then began to bow and to sneeze.