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"Well, we are ordered to subdue all villages in our track," was the major's answer. "Let us ask Colonel Darcy about this." They hurried to the colonel, had a long talk with him; and the upshot of the matter was that the first battalion moved away to take Desdenas under control.

No resistance was offered to the troops, the few natives left in the village displaying white rags at the doors of their huts in token of friendliness. Accompanied by the major, Ben asked his way to the residence of Señor Rousana, and was directed to a pretty mansion set in a grove of tropical trees.

"He certainly lives in pretty good style," remarked the major as the two strode up the shady garden path. "Wonder if he is a Filipino sympathizer?"

"It's more than likely," answered Ben. "The majority of them are, behind Uncle Sam's back."

A knock on the door brought a neat waiting-maid to answer their summons. She looked much disturbed upon seeing the American officers, and fled at once without waiting to hear what they might have to say.

"She's mighty civil," remarked the major, dryly,