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"Of course he'll know something. Where can I find him?"

"They are over at a village called Cotes, I believe. The colonel gave me the news."

"I am going to see Doring at once—if I can get off. Want to go along?"

"Sorry, but I can't go. You know I am getting ready for my enlistment in the regulars now."

"That's so; I forgot. And Gilbert is getting ready too. Well, I'll be sorry to lose you, I can tell you that."

Without waiting to say more, Ben hurried to headquarters, and half an hour later had permission to visit Cotes, taking with him several men for protection, for the mountains still held Filipino sharpshooters where they were least expected.

Half an hour's hard walking brought him to the place where the rescued ones were resting. He readily singled out Si, and called the young sailor aside.

"You are Si Doring," he began, and as Si nodded, he continued, "I am Ben Russell!"

"Ben Russell!" gasped the young tar. "Say, now, I'm downright glad to know you, Ben—seems like I've known you a long while—through Walter." And a hearty handshake followed.