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Palmer and had that sailor relate all that had happened while he and Walter were in each other's company.

"Do you know where he was left?" asked Ben, after the story was finished and he had had time to collect his thoughts.

"I did not at the time, but some time later I heard from one of the natives that we had been in the vicinity of a town called Biloguana."

"Biloguana!" ejaculated the young captain. "You are certain?"

"That's what the native told me. Do you know the place?"

"I know of it. A party I once met—a woman named Garabella—came from there. Were you in sight of the town?"

"If we were, I didn't see it. We were in the bushes, you know."

Palmer could tell nothing more, and Ben walked away with a heavy heart.

"I wish I could help you, Ben." It was Si, coming after him, who spoke. "And you haven't told me anything of Larry. Is he safe?"

"Yes. He is on board the Charleston, I think. I am expecting a letter from him any day."