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On entering the town, the young captain at once set to work to learn if anything had been seen of Walter. At first he could obtain no information, but presently he met a native who directed him to the residence of Inez Garabella.

The woman saw him coming, and on recognizing him, ran swiftly toward him with hand outstretched.

"Capitan Russell, I am very glad to meet you again," she said, in her rich Spanish voice.

"And I am glad to see you, Señorita Garabella,*' he answered in his best Spanish, and with a low bow.

"I know why you have come to me," went on the lady, with a smile. "You have come to thank me for taking care of your brother Walter. But you must not thank me—it was so little to do after what you had done for me."

"I—I don't understand," stammered Ben. "Did you then take care of my brother?"

The Spanish lady looked bewildered in turn. "To be sure I took care of him, until he was quite well. Did he not join you at the American camp last week?"

"Join me? I have never seen him since he came on to the Philippines."