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something out of the ordinary, and he is watching the rascal night and day."

In Manila they met Gilbert and Major Morris. Gilbert had some private matters to attend to—concerning the Richmond Importing Company—and had Larry take him to see Captain Nat Ponsberry.

"Yes, we are really off for China," said the young Southerner. "I must confess I didn't look for this when I enlisted in the regulars. But I . must say I am not sorry." A few days later Gilbert Pennington was sailing away from Manila, in company with Major Morris, Carl Stummer^ Dan Casey, and a number of others we have known in these pages. What the further adventures of these characters were will be found in another volume entitled, "On to Pekin; or, Old Glory in China." Ben was very sorry to lose his old chum, but wished not only Gilbert but likewise the others the best of good luck.

"They are going to carry the stars and stripes into a strange quarter of the globe," said the young major. "I trust none of them get killed or seriously wounded."

"Trust Gilbert to take care of himself," replied Larry. "I never met a fellow so plucky before."