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So the talk ran on until they reached a corner upon which stood one of the numerous saloons which had opened since the American occupancy of Manila. Above the saloon were living rooms, and happening to glance at one of the windows Ben saw a dark, frowning face peering down at him. The face looked strangely familiar, and Ben pointed excitedly with his hand.

"Look, Larry! Who is that?"

Larry turned to gaze up, and by this time the face and form had been withdrawn.

"I see nobody, Ben."

"It was Benedicto Lupez!"

"Impossible! Why, he is in prison. I saw him there only two days ago."

"If it wasn't Lupez, it was his double."

"Perhaps it was José Lupez."

"No; the brother looks different. I am pretty certain it was Benedicto. And he wore a United States uniform, too!" added the young major, suddenly.

Without waiting to say more, he ran to the side door of the house, to find it tightly locked. Then he went around to the front and entered the saloon. Larry came behind him.