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he asked. "I am Major Russell, and I shall go upstairs, even if I have to call in a regiment to keep order."

"Well—er—this here—" stammered the Westerner.

"I won't waste words with you. Stand aside."

The keeper of the resort stood his ground for a second longer. Then a vision of arrest floated over his mind, coupled with a closing of his establishment, and he shifted uneasily to one side.

"It's a mistake, I tell ye, major. Ain't nobody up thar," he said; but Ben did not hear him, for the reason that he was already halfway up the stairs, with Larry at his heels.

As the brothers gained the second floor, they heard heavy footsteps in a rear hallway, followed by the slamming of a door. Then came a murmur of low voices.

"This way!" cried Ben, and hurried through the back hallway, which was semi-dark. Finding the right door, he attempted to open it, but found it barred from within.

"Open that door," he commanded. Scarcely had he spoken when there was the crack of a pistol, and a bullet came through the door panel within six