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bulk of the goods, and Marbon and Lupez going in only to get suits with which to disguise themselves.

The natives had disappeared, leaving the uniforms where Ben had found them. These uniforms were afterward returned to the government, and General MacArthur, who was now in authority at Manila, ordered the saloon closed up, and the proprietor put under bonds pending a further investigation. In the end the Westerner was found guilty of aiding the enemy and sent to prison.

Marbon seemed to be rather a good fellow, and Ben felt sorry for him and saw to it that the Spaniard was given every comfort. In return for this Marbon one day said he would like to speak to the young major in private.

"I wish to tell you about Benedicto Lupez," said the Spaniard, when the two were alone. "He pretended to be my friend, but now I am sure he was more of an enemy to me. He used me only in order to help himself to escape."

Marbon then told what he knew of Benedicto Lupez's plans. He said that the two brothers, Benedicto and José had planned to meet at a village called Neritas, on the main road to Batangas, a town on the south coast of Luzon. When they got to