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"We must find and rescue Walter, no matter at what cost."

Such were Ben Russell's words to his brother Larry, when the battalion set out from Manila, after only a two hours' rest at the capital. The young major had lost not a minute in bringing his men down from Tarlac, and he had made an address to them which had aroused them as never before.

"We'll follow you anywhere, Major Russell," said one of the oldest privates. "Just you show us what you want, that's all."

Larry had obtained permission to accompany his brother, and the two pushed on side by side. With the battalion went four native carts, piled high with stores, for there was no telling how long the command would be away from a base of supplies. General MacArthur had considered the enterprise somewhat foolhardy, and had warned Ben of the risk to be run.

"Be careful," had been his parting words, "Re-