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guerillas, for such these rebels must properly be called. The men were tired out, but Ben urged them on, and they were willing to do almost anything for him.

It was a clear starlit night, and the highway was a fairly good one, although here and there were marshy places. Ben kept at the head of his command, with Larry beside him, and scarcely a word was spoken. All felt that a time of importance was not far off.

The time came shortly after midnight. A turn of the road had brought them in sight of a guerilla camp, and scarcely was the place discovered when several rifle shots rang out, and two of the Americans fell back wounded.

"We are on them, boys!" shouted the young major. "Give it to them now! Make every shot tell!"

It is doubtful if his command was heard, for the Americans were already firing, pouring volley after volley into the guerillas, who had been taken by surprise. The enemy, however, occupied ground which was a trifle higher than the roadway, and this was to their advantage.

Ben and Larry were to the front in the attack,