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for trifling, and he sternly told the Spaniard he must confess or it would be the worse for him, and at the same time drew his pistol. The sight of the weapon had the desired effect, and Lupez fell upon his knees, begging for mercy. "No shoot!" he cried in Spanish. "I will confess. I have not harmed your brother. He is at Canas, at the house of one Pedro Borillo. Go there, and you will find him safe."

"And where is the money you stole?"

"At Canas, too, in a tin box I left with Pedro Borillo."

This ended the talk, and early in the morning Ben and Larry, with a picked guard of thirty soldiers, hurried to the town of Canas, three miles distant. They found the place in a flutter, for the inhabitants had heard of the encounter on the road, and white flags were everywhere in evidence.

"I wish to visit the house of Pedro Borillo," said Ben, to the first natives he met, and they readily showed him to the place, a pretty cottage set in a wilderness of tropical flowers. Their coming filled a very old Filipino woman with great alarm. She could not speak English, nor even straight Spanish, and so they pushed their way into the cottage without stopping to talk to her. Inside, they saw an old man, doubled