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The money which had been recovered was placed in the hands of the authorities, for safe keeping until called for by the officers of the Hearthstone Saving Institution of Buffalo.

It was a happy little gathering at the hospital on the following Sunday evening,—Walter in an easychair, with Ben on one side of him and Larry on the other, and each holding a hand of the invalid.

"I can tell you, it's mighty good to be together once more," said Larry. "I must say, I trust we are never to be separated again."

At this Walter smiled faintly. "You forget, I haven't done anything out here yet for Uncle Sam."

"And I don't think you'll be called on to do anything," put in Ben. "This war is practically over, and unless something new turns up, I'm going home when my time runs out."

"And I'm going home, too," added Larry. And then, giving Walter's hand a tight squeeze, he added: "You must go with us, Walter. For the present I think the Russell brothers have done enough for the honor of Old Glory."

A few words more, and we shall bring to a close this tale of war adventure in the Philippines.