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ing back, remember we'll welcome you with open arms."

Larry had still some months to serve in the navy, the most of which time he put in on the Charleston, in company with Si Doring, Luke Striker, and several of his other friends. Larry and Si had already become great chums, and when Walter joined them, the three, along with faithful old Luke, became all but inseparable.

The two final months of Ben's term in the army were spent in and around Manila, and during that time several things of more or less importance happened. José Lupez was tried by the local authorities and sentenced to several years in prison on various charges. Barnabas Moval was also tried for his misdeeds, but while awaiting sentence he endeavored to escape from jail and was mortally shot by a guard. The friar, Ponprè, was held for many months. He had influential friends, especially in the Philippine church, and through them obtained his release, under promise to leave Luzon forever.

The trial of Barnabas Moval brought Inez Garabella to Manila. She was still very grateful to Ben for what the young major had done for her, and said her care of Walter during the young sailor's sickness