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believe?" went on the Filipino commander, slowly, and fixing his black eyes full upon the young officer.

"My comrade and I were pushing this way."

The Filipino frowned. Ben saw that he was now ready to throw aside his mask and get down to business. "You were spies?"

"I must decline to answer further questions, sir."

"You were spies, sent to find out our strength?" continued the Filipino.

Ben remained silent.

"Are you going to answer, or will you take the consequences, capitan?"

"I have nothing further to say."

"But I will make you talk!" cried the rebel, his voice rising. "I have never yet been balked, either by Spaniards or Americanos. Do you know who I am? I am Captain Relosus."

At the mention of that name Ben could not help but start, for he had heard it many times before. Captain Relosus was one of the leading sharp-shooters and spies among the Tagals, and it was known that he had been in Manila more than once, on secret missions for General Aguinaldo. It was Relosus who aided in the conspiracy to burn down the capital, and it was also this man who had, on