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one gotten up by you Americanos merely to create a sensation."

"But I was told Señor Benedicto Lupez had confessed and had surrendered part of the money."

"Indeed!" General Lupez gazed at Ben curiously. "And what do they say he did with the balance of the money?"

"They say he gave it to his brother."

"To me? How absurd! The invention truly of pigs, vile Americano pigs! " The general began to pace the floor nervously. "Why should I take his money, since I have always had more than enough of my own? 'Tis truly the invention of Americano pigs! They are willing to say everything that is bad of a Spaniard or a Tagal."

"They say that you took five thousand dollars of the money and bought your title in the army with it," went on Ben, anxious, if possible, to draw the Spaniard out.

"Again I say absurd. The appointment came to me direct from General Aguinaldo, who is our President also, and it came without solicitation on my part, although I will admit some of my friends insisted on my appointment, knowing my military ability. I have no money but my own, and I want