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In the meantime General Hall had changed his tactics, and now he drove straight through Antipolo, and being joined by additional troops, moved on to Teresa, a small settlement on the highway to Morong. This movement took the whole of Sunday, which was hot and sultry, and resulted in the prostration of many of the soldiers by the heat. Near Morong the Americans came upon the rear of General Pio del Pilar's wagon train and captured some of the stores and a few caribaos and carts, but the others managed to join the rest of the train in the mountains. On Monday General Hall's command joined that of Colonel Wholley at Morong, and after a necessary rest left a garrison at the town on the lake and moved back in the direction of Manila.

At this late day it is impossible to say what the benefits of the expedition to Morong were, excepting that it held the rebels somewhat in check and kept them from getting too close to Manila during the rainy season, which now came upon the islands in all of its fury, causing the Laguna de Bay and the Pasig River to overflow their banks and doing much damage to the shipping both inland and on Manila Bay. As soon as the fighting was over, many of the Tagals