Page:Under three flags; a story of mystery (IA underthreeflagss00tayliala).pdf/241

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Navarro staggers as if dealt a blow. "My God! They will shoot him like a dog!" he groans, his face white as death. "When—where is Carlos to arrive?"

"At Jibana, at 10 to-night."

"Ho! Then all is not lost," flashes Navarro. "By heaven! I'll wipe Jibana and every Spaniard in it from the face of the earth!"

"Easy, my friend," counsels Ashley, grasping the infuriated man by the arm. "If Don Carlos is to be saved, and also the dispatches—keep those in mind—you will need your wits more than a thousand men. Now, listen to me a moment. There is time enough.

"Yesterday, or the day before, or sometime within the week, a big supply train left Havana for Santiago. Information of its dispatch must have been received by Don Quesada, and, knowing your whereabouts—did he know them?"—Navarro nods—"he has sent Don Carlos to notify you, that the train may be captured. This morning Capt. Alvarez was at Cadoza. He heard it rumored that a large force of insurgents were encamped in these mountains. He wired Havana to that effect, and ten minutes later received orders to intercept Don Carlos. I learned this while at Cadoza, and realizing the danger that threatened your brother, I set off for the mountains, trusting to Providence to run across you or some of your men. On my way hither I devised a plan by which you can outwit Alvarez and later capture the ammunition train—and I do not believe in doing things by halves. But first, how far is it to Jibana?"

"About six miles, as the crow flies."

"That means eight or ten by these awful bridal-paths, then. You have a score of men here at least. They will be more than enough. Now, I will outline my plan and we can perfect it on our way to Jibana."

Navarro listens without interruption while Ashley talks. When the programme for the night has been sketched, Navarro's dark eyes moisten and he seizes Jack's hands in a grip that makes the latter wince. "Ashley, you're a hero!" he cries.

"Nonsense," laughs Jack.