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The L'Juſt and Sans Parielle,
The America and bold Achille,
They were ſo maul'd they could not ſail,
Till mann'd by Britiſh ſailors.

The Northumberland and Impeteaux,
Were happy to be ta'en in tow,
The Vengeure ſhe went down below,
To ſhun our Britiſh valour;
Two of them carried eighty guns,
(illegible text)ve ſeventy-fours, and ninety guns,
huzza! huzza! their admiral runs,
He could get no redemption.

Brave Bower, Paſley, and Captain Hutt,
Each loft a leg, and ſorely hurt;
But life or death they valu'd not.
When called by their country;
Brave Montague was kill'd that day,
(illegible text)ill while their ſhot did hotly play;
We gave three cheers with loud huzza,
Theſe French dogs could not run away,
We had ſo bravely maul'd them.

Of French ſhips there were twenty-ſix,
When firſt upon them we did fix,
We valu'd not their Galic tricks,
Tho' we'd but twenty-five, Sir;
(illegible text)r, like true Britiſh Heroes bold,
Who value honour more than gold,
And always ſcorn to be controul'd,
Our courage has been try'd of old,
Succeſs to England's forces.