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just like, on behalf of Brazil, to applaud your remarks and to say how happy we are to see you in the Chair, and to recall what was said yesterday by the head of my delegation as to what people are awaiting from this gathering. He said, you will remember, “The trouble-maker is always wrong.” Let us hope that from now on the trouble-maker will be stopped.

Mr. Modzelewski (Poland) (translated from French): Poland can look back on a long history devoted to the defence of justice and peace. The very life of Poland depends on the preservation of peace. The truth of this was shown to us in a sad and painful manner during the recent German occupation. This is but an additional reason for our endorsing wholeheartedly the statements in favour of peace made by the representatives of great nations.

Mr. van Kleffens (Netherlands): It is a great privilege and a matter of happy augury, I think, that we start the meeting under the presidency of so eminent a gentleman as the representative of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Less than a year ago, the people of the Netherlands were still under the heel of an oppressor. It was the blackest period in their history, and the contrast of the present day is very great. But though it was a situation in which all were near despair, hope was never entirely extinguished in the hearts of my countrymen, and it has now made room for high expectation.

I remember very well that, in the dark days of the war, that great leader of the country which is giving us the very generous hospitality we are enjoying here—I mean Winston Spencer Churchill — talked to us of the dark valley through which we had to make a long pilgrimage in order to emerge one day into these sunlit regions where 'peace, and liberty would reign once more. We have now emerged into those regions; and I think that this assembly, of the Security Council marks a most auspicious beginning.

In the old Republic of the United Netherlands there used to be an important body whose members in those formal days used to be addressed in writing as “Very discreet and very loyal Gentlemen”. I think if we all work together here as very discreet and very loyal gentlemen, then the Security Council will fulfil in the spirit of the Charter that very important mission that has been entrusted to it,

Mr. de Rosenzweig Diaz (Mexico): Nothing could be more opportune than this moment of historical importance, when the Security Council, of the United Nations is established in session, to remember the purpose and aim of the United Nations and the problems which face the United Nations and the nations represented in the Security Council. With the high ideals, which are expressed in the words of the Charter,