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Mr. Bevin (United Kingdom): There is one point I want to put to you, Mr. President. I assume that when the case is on the agenda and we have heard it, it will then be subject to discussion. Is that clear?

The President: The position is this. It is for the Council itself to determine the procedure that it wishes to adopt in regard to this matter, that is, whether it wishes to proceed to a discussion or to take any other action it might wish.

Mr. Bevin (United Kingdom): I am awfully sorry to be persistent. I think it ought to be settled now that, when we have heard the case, it is then open to discussion as to whether we should dispose of the matter or whether we should take any other steps to settle it. I do not want the situation to arise that, after we have gone through all the performance of hearing the case, somebody says that the Council cannot discuss it.

I want the facts placed on the table and the Council to be free to discuss the case and arrive at a means of disposing of it in some way or another, and I want all countries concerned to be heard.

The President: In answer to the representative of the United Kingdom, I want to say that the Security Council will be quite competent at its next meeting either to proceed to a discussion, if it so wishes, or to take any action that it might wish in regard to it. But of course, as you will realize in regard to whatever may be the nature of the resolution submitted, the question of the method of voting would be actually the subject of some difference; but it will be for the Council itself when it meets to determine just how it shall treat this particular subject. By its own resolution it will be able to determine how it will proceed to the consideration of these questions.

15. Albanian application for membership of the United Nations

The President: I feel that I should intimate to the members of the Council that I have just received a communication[1] from the Yugoslav Government or delegation regarding the application of Albania for membership of the United Nations. This communication is in the course of being typed so that it can be distributed to members of the Council; as soon as that is possible, it will be done. This might possibly be the subject of some consideration at our next meeting as to whether it should be included in the agenda.

Mr. Vyshinsky (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) (translated from Russian): The Soviet delegation supports the Albanian Government's request and the Yugoslav delegation's

  1. See Official Record of the Security Council, First Year, First Series, Supplement No. 1, Annex 5.