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(Mr. Pickering, United States)

We have been in touch with many States in the region in an effort to seek their additional support for the action of the international community to bring about an end to this heinous act of the use of military force, contrary to the Charter, international law, and all the fully accepted norms of international behaviour.

The Security Council has seldom faced a more blatant use of force. The Council should act immediately in dealing with this problem. The United States is pleased to be joining with eight other members of the Council in proposing the text of a draft resolution for immediate adoption tonight by the Council. The Council can certainly do no less in this time of present crisis than to deal effectively and rapidly with this transcendental problem of the aggressive use of force.

We ask the Council to accept its full responsibilities and to support Kuwait in its hour of need. It is the time for peace and diplomacy, not the time for war and aggression. The world is now watching what we do here and will not be satisfied with vaccilation or procrastination.

In this time of most serious crisis, I ask all the members of the Security Council carefully to contemplate the serious issues before us and to act in the way in which they as Members of the Organization and as States committed to act under the Charter should act.